Adding GZIP to my Jekyll setup
I’ve just added gzipping of html, js and css to my Jekyll deploy script. The script now looks like this:
echo ==================
echo Minify css
echo ==================
juicer merge -i --force -o static/css/min.css static/css/master.css
echo ==================
echo Building site
echo ==================
echo =========================
echo GZIP All Html, css and js
echo =========================
find _site/ -iname '*.html' -exec gzip -n {} +
find _site/ -iname '*.js' -exec gzip -n {} +
find _site/ -iname '*.css' -exec gzip -n {} +
find _site/ -iname '*.gz' -exec rename 's/\.gz$//i' {} +
echo done.
echo ==================
echo Syncing to S3
echo ==================
# sync gzipped html files
s3cmd sync --progress -M --acl-public --add-header 'Content-Encoding:gzip' _site/ s3://mywebbucket/ --exclude '*.*' --include '*.html'
# sync non gzipped, non js/css/image files
s3cmd sync --progress -M --acl-public _site/ s3://mywebbucket/ --exclude '*.sh' --exclude 'static/*' --exclude '*.html'
# sync gzipped css and js to static bucket
s3cmd sync --progress -M --acl-public --add-header 'Content-Encoding:gzip' --add-header 'Cache-Control: max-age=31449600' _site/static/ s3://mystaticbucket/ --exclude '*.*' --include '*.js' --include '*.css'
# sync all non gzipped css, js and image files to the static bucket (e.g. images)
s3cmd sync --progress -M --acl-public --add-header 'Cache-Control: max-age=31449600' _site/static/ s3://mystaticbucket/ --exclude '*.css' --exclude '*.js'
echo ==================
echo Backing up source
echo ==================
s3cmd sync --progress ./ s3://mybackupbucket/ --exclude '_site/*'
exit 0
A neat trick I learned
I’m still a bit of an Ubuntu n00b and the gzipping excersize taught me about the find command, and more specifically, find combined with the –exec parameter.
The –exec parameter allows you to execute a command for every file found in your search. It has two flavours:
1. find somesearch -exec somecommand {}
2. find somesearch -exec somecommand {} +
The first flavour runs the command for each file found, replacing {} with the filename. The second flavour runs the command once, substituting {} + with a space delimited list of all the files found by the search criteria. So:
# gzip all html files found within the _site directory:
find _site/ -iname '*.html' -exec gzip -n {} +
# remove the '.gz' extension added by gzip (I couldn't find a way for gzip to leave filenames alone):
find _site/ -iname '*.gz' -exec rename 's/\.gz$//i' {} +
I now have a 100 score from YSlow using the small site or blog profile (on pages without Disqus comments that is…). Huzah! ;)