Loopy Loo
What is the best way to loop a structure in a cfscript block? On discovering the elements() and keys() methods that are inherited from java.util.dictionary, I presumed these would be faster i.e.
keys = myStruct.keys();
while( keys.hasMoreElements() ){
key = keys.nextElement();
value = myStruct[key];
// do stuff...
// or
values = myStruct.elements();
while( values.hasMoreElements() ){
value = values.nextElement();
// do stuff...
// or
keys = myStruct.keys();
values = myStruct.elements();
while( keys.hasMoreElements() ){
key = keys.nextElement();
value = values.nextElement();
// do stuff...
Normally, I would use StructKeyArray() and one might conceivably use StructKeyList():
// StructKeyArray()
keys = StructKeyArray(myStruct);
size = ArrayLen(keys);
for (i=1; i LTE size; i=i+1){
key = keys[i];
value = myStruct[key];
// do stuff...
// StructKeyList()
keys = StructKeyList(myStruct);
size = ListLen(keys);
for (i=1; i LTE size; i=i+1){
key = ListGetAt(keys, i);
value = myStruct[key];
// do stuff...
So which is faster? Well, it all depends:
For small structures, say 10 keys, StructKeyArray()
is the winner followed closely by the inherited Java methods and then StructKeyList()
. The differences in performance aren’t huge here, but StructKeyList()
is still clearly slower.
As the structure gets larger however, the results change. Using StructKeyList()
becomes exponentially slower and the inherited Java methods overtake StructKeyArray()
somewhere in the region of a structure with 150 keys.
Conclusion: use StructKeyArray()
unless you happen to be dealing with a huge structure and you need to squeeze every bit of performance necessary. I can’t see why you should ever use StructKeyList()
to loop a structure, perhaps someone could give an example where it is necessary?
On a similar note, I had also presumed that using myArray.size()
would be faster than ArrayLen(myArray)
, it certainly looks prettier to me anyway! It turns out I was wrong. Some magic in ArrayLen()
means it well outperforms size()
. Still, size()
is OO and looks nice ;)